There are many things which happen because they are just meant to be; the easiest way to avoid regret and the most stupid way to believe in God is that “Everything has been written”. We grow up and make mistakes, and then without any doubts and being repentant we put all the burdens of our wrong doings on the shoulders of God, without understanding Him, we make Him our everyday companion in our wrong doings without giving a second thought that He is actually a “God”.
Every time when we look upon ourselves we undermine the actual image of us, and the distractions lead us to where we doesn’t belong. For mean while we can take an example of a traveler who travels half of a world in search of fountain of youth, every time he thinks of his destination his eyes fill up with the sparks of enthusiasm and passion. This passion is what most us never able to recognize and it is just because of diversions of mind, some indulge into the never ending game of love and attraction and other just in achieving materialistic objectives, but never had a clear aim, Aim for me is just to have happiness and self contentment, and the most prolific achievement is for me is the next step to look forward for satisfaction, just like a traveler in search of fountain has an aim to reach his destiny and drink water from it. Lets assume in the next part of story that traveler reach their and now he is forever young, what’s the next? This is a question we never ask out our selves, we just run after things and then in the end we all achieve nothing, a satisfaction which doesn’t last forever is just a illusion in desert in the form of mirage, which gives pleasure on seeing it form distance but when we chase it for the sake of thirst we get to know it’s all the game of Sun.
There are types of people we can classify them:
1-For many people suffering is the main element of life and they firmly believe in suffering because it makes them satisfy in some unconscious level that it is from God and sufferings is just a integral part of it.
2-Some people under this point are those who are just after the search of love, they are attracted and then de attracted several times in the life, but they never lose hope to achieve their aim that is “a true love”
3-These are the people who run after all the materialistic elements in life, further need not to be explained.
Above are the most commonly found people in our daily lives, but what happens to them, why is that so they are naturally being attracted towards each of it? They run after it and for ever they run for it but never had it, like a person looking for love will always be there for looking for his or her love, a person running after money will forever chase the bills, and sufferers always suffers. Are we going some where wrong? Or what we think about the life and its Creator is somewhat different in any major aspect? These are the questions we have to search for the answers as soon as possible without looking for it because if you devote your self to search you will for ever search for it without gaining any thing.
Nice and inspirational..Good job Dude!!