Class of 2004,Awarded with Best short Story: (few paras)
Out of sudden, I heard a voice, little shrill but sweet,
deafening loud but lighter to heart, even though I had not looked at her, but
immediately I knew it’s going to be something big, atleast for me.

A strangest kind of feeling with hallucination, once you are
in captive of this strange more powerful then opium, you start to deprive from
real world and start to construct your own parallel universe. It still enchants
me with most powerful of all. Though the art of love was new for me but not
impossible, still thinking of those uneasy awkward moments of fabricating your
own world where you are with your beloved. It’s odd that how a feeling of being
loved can make a person what he didn't even thought of be ever.
Just a look had made me dispose off my gods, and ended me
blasphemous when with each recitation of prose of Rumi, i just thought of her.
Nothing else could make me more annulled from my life then Her. Each song
possessed her being; I could dance forever, could die and make a good friend of
her in my parallel universe. Sometimes imaginative talks with her make me
loosen up from reality itself, and finally all those storm up feelings pushed
me off the cliff, I realized one morning that I haven’t slept for a month, and
didn’t even knew what I have been doing all nights, imagining, writing making
up stories, playing games, but not even a second she was off my mind. Her
powerful soul had made me nothing but shook me from my very soul to look
differently at world, where possibilities seem boundless. A fallen star roamed
universe in hope that it could land on its planet with intensity that it will
then never let it go again. But what of the love I have been saying this far?,
With all the feelings it makes us more vulnerable and strong in soul. May be I
have exaggerated all my feelings and start to over think, made me obsessed
about her, may be a powerful infatuation that pulls me at her.
I abstained,
with insomnia I could have done something better, i started meditation, with
long hours of concentration at one point, my thoughts started to diminish, day
by day ripples of thoughts decreased, and one point in those days I can surely
say that i have experienced something powerful, it was all silence, a silence
you have never imagined, for few seconds, it made my all body disappear from my
mind, I knew nothing, not even what I am doing and what I have done, and after
few seconds I recollect I was seeing “Her”.