Tuesday 12 November 2013

In The Rain of Imagination

It was the stormy night day before when I got sick, just before the summer vacations, that night I didn’t sleep, something about rain that attracts me and we all do feel the same.  In that midsummer night I was being elevated to the hallucination and for a while I felt my life is going to be change forever. But I tell you, it took years to change, because change is a gradual process. At senior year in school finally I had no worries for attendance, because I knew that it doesn't matter anymore.

I was up all night, remembering something from the past that didn't exist in my memory, long before the world was created , I was imagining the exact time of creation, or you can say was trying to imagine it. I closed my eyes and tried to compose all possible scenarios of creation but failed to do so. This kind of impact is done by rain on me at least back then, of course everything was about to change but gradually.

There are some people in our lives whose path crosses ours’ and it does more often than expected, and some people simply run with us. This is extraordinarily established superficial on my part at first, and then fact later on.

It was the time before we had any cell phones, just a serene aloofness which inspires the entire subtle soul of mine. But again what was that all about? I had no clue, but I enjoyed each and every moment.
What could be life without any calm? This moment should never end- Thought I.

We tend to escape things deliberately to ensure our inner self conscious in order to be happy for a moment. And I guess to be happy and enjoying the moment is more important.

 (to be continue)

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