(To be continued. . . . First read: http://shahzadrupani.blogspot.com/2011/08/hoshruba-zindigy.html )
I didn’t remember any thing till I turned 5, my conscious level was active now and much smarter then the previous one, then I turned 6, 7 and went on. Till my present age still four years from my end of teenage life, I was in 10th standard.

Shortly time will tell who is good at what, next 90 minutes will going to be the most intensified one, thought I-
Match began and both teams were unable to score till 80th minute, ball was with our finest attacker, but today he was unable to score any one. I had choice to make, I am not a chosen one, nor any vampire or a captain America, neither super or spider man, I was just “ME”, standing at my position as our defender went off due to injury I am then responsible for defending. Choices to make were:
1- Stand at the position as I were there for the past 20 minutes; or
2- Move forward as we had only 10 minutes left approximately to score a goal.
Obviously any ordinary prudent men can guess what I would have done next. I chose to leave my position and to go forward, as in consequences if any thing goes wrong just because of leaving my place, I’ll be goddamned in trouble, thoughts were rushing in light speed, I started running, and then I never think back about the consequence, because I was so enthusiastic, my heart was beating at sound speed, I could hear the beats, as more I ran towards goal, people started disappearing I could see only three thing, - a team mate with ball ready to kick, A ball and A goal, and suddenly I saw ball appeared just in front of my head, just a single touch, and I did it, ball with thunderclap netted in the goal, surprised their all of the defenders, they of course didn’t mark me, a keeper he didn’t expect me to come forward leaving my defending position.
A might goal, I was the scorer, every one out there were appreciating me, the moment of glory I was then a savior of team.
I couldn’t hold on that moment, as no one can, if I had not made that choice at that precise moment, I would not have enjoyed those moments of glory later on.
In every moment there are some choices hidden which leads us to the key from which we can unlock our potential. Its all about choices, grabbing opportunities, leaving one state to face another and enjoy those moments of glory that are hidden. Reflecting upon, I realized that we only have one life to live, only one life to spend, to hate, to love, to build, to break, to make mistakes, to learn from those mistakes, to be fearless, to be in fear, to be happy, or to be sad, remembering past, to enjoy present, and to search for the future quests, we all have one life, just one life.
Just like in a football ground, opportunity was floating out there in some distance, so many players, so many choices, just grabbed by one, just in time, a little late would be too late and little early shall perish all the surprise elements, so the step taken at the precise moment, destined you can say, but I would say the right step at right time, as the thought appeared in the mind, all things were started to arrange them selves in field, now I just had to respond, chain reaction started for which my mind was corner fed by my subconscious level with emotions apparently we all know it by name of Will Power. Will converted into thought, thought in to choice, choice into selection and selection in to action, after all that process what I got was the desire of my heart. A want .
(To be continued. . . . . .)
A Universal Want
(Next chapter)